Tag Archives: failures

Back to Blogging


Am I only person who thinks about life in terms of blogs and Facebook posts? For example, something very funny will happen and I’ll think of how I can tell the whole world via Facebook status. Or I’ll be incredibly annoyed by something and construct a blog post in my mind. But honestly 98% of the time these thoughts never actually make it to print. There are two reasons for this. One is that I am one of those people who gets super excited and passionate about something and after some amount of time…sometimes 5 minutes sometimes 5 days….i just loose the passion and move on. Very rarely do I find something I love and stick with it. Thats why I waited so long to get engaged to Joe…I figured if after 4 years if I wasn’t over him yet it was safe to say I’d want him for life. So far, so good.

Reason number two is that I’m scared of writing. I haven’t blogged in months and when I finally logged into WordPress tonight I was shocked. People actuallly read this? And like it enough to comment on it? Crazy. Not only that, but I was recently hired for a fantastic job as a personal assistant, and one thing that really caught my future bosses eye was my blog. Who knew? I really need to get over my fear and insecurity. I love writing and its something I am actually good at, unlike dancing which I love but am only allowed to do when my single friends are not trying to attract partners. Of course I’m not always going to write brillant, thought provoking posts that inspire a string of comment. Sometimes my posts will just be average and sometimes they will be down right awful. But hey, no pain no gain, no risk no reward. So here is to what I hope will be a more consistent blogging endeavor.